Picture this scenario in school: 5th-grade students practising their lesson plan on weaving. The lesson plan is rhythm with colours, where they get to weave a visual rhythm with colourful weft yarns. 
The visual rhythm can be formed easily with numerical sequences, but this time around the children want to recreate visual rhythm out of musical rhythm! 
The kids form a ring. Two of them start clapping their hands to set & maintain the beat.  Others in the group start clapping their hands to create their own rhythm for the beat. Then they note down the rhythm that they made on a piece of paper and start working on the next steps. Let’s say the clap is red, a primary colour and the long silence between the claps is yellow, another primary colour. They start forming a sequence and weave their musical rhythm with the loom! 
The whole class is excited, hooked on working with their little hands on the hand looms and focus on creating the visual rhythm! At the end of the hour, they all see each other’s work, and compare how the different musical rhythms turned out into beautiful fabrics! You should see the eyes that shine!
Let’s remember:  Weaving also teaches children patience, persistence and concentration. 


Shuttles & Needles has developed a simple-to-follow weaving curriculum called ‘Learning through weaving’ for the schools. We supply the looms, ready-warps, and weft yarns, and provide teacher training & detailed lesson plans. The program can be implemented in modules as per the schools' requirements & goals. 
Contact us to discuss how to take this forward with your child’s school. Let's make their eyes shine!

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