Garden of Daisies scarf

A swatch woven by Sharon Alderman inspired Ann Squire to create beautiful scarves . These beautiful scarves published in the Handwoven magazine in the March/April 2009 issue inspired us to recreate the scarf using our very own Cotton knitting 8 ply DK weight yarn and Yoga Cotton Nylon Yarn.

A simple elegant scarf with a not so simple but very clever drafting, the scarf encapsulates the elegance of the supplementary warp woven against a plain weave ground fabric. It is woven using 6 shafts, the first 4 shafts constituting the ground fabric and only 2 shafts for the extra warp. The ground fabric is woven using the Yoga Cotton Nylon Yarn in the shade Gerbera Green. The extra warp, also used in the weft, is the Indigo Dk weight 8 ply variegated yarn.


The yellow dots denote the DK weight yarns


A draft with resemblance to the broche weaves, covenanted from a 10 shaft to a 6 shaft using the turned draft technique, it weaves the supplementary warp on either of the scarf creating a balanced double faced fabric. Measuring to about 17’’, the scarf is woven on the AVL Dobby Loom

The draft woven with the use of DK cotton yarn on the weft creates checks whereas it can also be woven as supplementary warp stitched as stripes using a single ground weft yarn. The draft can be further explored by changing the count of yarns and ends per inch, creating table runners, or using the same draft and making napkins. Furthermore, the warp can also be explored with by adding metallic yarns or using varied different colours of DK cotton yarns. We had fun exploring this draft, we hope you have fun customising it to your own imaginations. Happy weaving !!


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